What is Enrichment?
We consider that enrichment is the enhancement of learning experiences, broadening and deepening the learning opportunities pupils have. At Holy Trinity CE School there are a number of ways in which we enrich the curriculum pupils have, for example:
- the study of a subject beyond the curriculum as defined by the requirements of the DFE
- alternative and creative approaches to topics, including open-ended investigations and discussions
- connections between topics or themes
- the cross-curricular study of different interlinked subjects
- visits out of school by pupils or visits to the school by outside speakers
- visits to other schools to take part in activities with other schools e.g Opera workshop
Why is Enrichment important?
- Enrichment provides greater freedom for exploring different topics or subjects and by increasing intellectual satisfaction contributes to a pupil’s well-being.
- When central to curriculum planning, enrichment helps to ensure that the learning experience has clear links between such activities, general classroom activities and topics/themes.
- Enrichment ensures that all pupils are able to show their abilities in different ways and provides opportunities for them to broaden and deepen their understanding.
- Enrichment provides ways in which pupils can develop their understanding at their own level, make connections and develop their learning skills in different ways.
We run a number of enrichment activities throughout the year. These activities are varied and support the learning in different year groups/subjects.
From September 2019 (to be updated)
Children are asked what other clubs they would like through this year and additions will be made as the year progresses.
Lunchtime KS2 Homework Club
Lunchtime Mathletics
Lunchtime Mathletics
Everyone is seen as so valuable in God’s eyes that everyone must be supported and encouraged to be the very best they can be. We are a fully inclusive school where no one will or can be left behind.
The primary aim of the school is to help each pupil reach his or her full potential so that they may develop the attitudes, skills and knowledge to take full advantage of the opportunities available in their future lives.
Children will be asked what other clubs they would like through this year and additions will be made as the year progresses.
Please note: Booster sessions will start in January for Year 6 children as they prepare for the KS2 assessments.