


World Book Day

World Book Day is Thursday 2nd March and children will be issued with a  book token. The official website can be found at http://www.worldbookday.com/

Fast selling books can be ordered and they will be delivered to the school. These must be paid for when placing the order.

Theatre Visits

We always try to provide our children with a wide range of opportunities to experience stories. This year there are a number of opportunities including theatre workshops visiting the  school, African story-telling workshops, and Year 5 and 6 visit the theatre.


Children’s learning of phonics is an important part of their learning to read. We use Little Wandle Letters and Sounds . Phonic support from home is really useful, and to assist you, we have added the link to the proper pronunciation of the sounds.



This provides all the sounds as they are taught in school so that we are all working together effectively.

Curriculum Overviews.

The Holy Trinity English curriculum follows the Herts for Learning overviews ensuring full coverage of the curriculum. The planning provides a wide variety of texts which help to capture the interest and imaginations of pupils.

Reading Overview

Writing Overview