Enrichment Activities

What is Enrichment?

We consider that enrichment is the enhancement of learning experiences, broadening and deepening the learning opportunities pupils have. At Holy Trinity CE School there are a number of ways in which we enrich the curriculum pupils have, for example:

  • the study of a subject beyond the curriculum as defined by the requirements of the DFE
  • alternative and creative approaches to topics, including open-ended investigations and discussions
  • connections between topics or themes
  • the cross-curricular study of different interlinked subjects
  • visits out of school by pupils or visits to the school by outside speakers
  • visits to other schools to take part in activities with other schools e.g Opera workshop

Why is Enrichment important?

  • Enrichment provides greater freedom for exploring different topics or subjects and by increasing intellectual satisfaction contributes to a pupil’s well-being.
  • When central to curriculum planning, enrichment helps to ensure that the learning experience has clear links between such activities, general classroom activities and topics/themes.
  • Enrichment ensures that all pupils are able to show their abilities in different ways and provides opportunities for them to broaden and deepen their understanding.
  • Enrichment provides ways in which pupils can develop their understanding at their own level, make connections and develop their learning skills in different ways.

We run a number of enrichment activities through the year. These activities are varied and support the learning in different year groups/subjects.