About Reception.
Our Reception class is a vibrant and happy environment for children to continue their journey through the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS). Staff in Reception are passionate about Early Years and focus on the interests and needs of the pupils. Miss Esposito is the EYFS lead and class teacher
Up-to-date curriculum information:
EYFS Framework https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/974907/EYFS_framework_-_March_2021.pdf
Development Matters
In Reception we are all about learning skills, e. g. conversing, negotiating, reading, writing, adding, etc. and the most effective way to achieve this is through the children’s interests. As we all know children learn best through their play and what better motivation for learning than the things they find fascinating!
The staff will be continually observing the children to see how they learn best, what stage they are at in their learning and what they need to learn next. This process ensures that each child’s learning experience is accurately matched to their needs and they will have the best learning experience possible whilst in the Reception class.