School Uniform
All items of clothing including shoes must be labelled with the child’s name. Children must not wear jewellery. No make-up including nail varnish. Children with pierced ears may wear the smallest studs. Hairbands should be in school colours and not be too big or bulky. If your child has pierced ears, she/he must be able to remove and replace the studs herself/himself for PE. Their PE kit can be kept in a bag on their peg and should be in school every day.
Winter | Summer |
Grey tunic/dress/skirt | Blue and white gingham or striped simple dress |
Grey long or short trousers | Pale blue polo shirt with the school logo |
Black joggers for Rec | |
Blue shirt with school tie (juniors) | |
Pale blue polo shirt with the school logo (infants) | |
Blue, grey or black socks/tights | |
Traditional black sensible shoes (not boots) | |
Black indoor shoes (plimsolls) | |
Games Kit | |
Yellow polo shirt with school logo | |
Royal Blue shorts (not cycling shorts) | |
Navy or black jogging bottoms ( a jogging suit may be sent in for colder weather, school colours only) | |
Summer uniform may be worn from Easter until the autumn half-term – dependent upon the weather | |
An additional pair of trainers can be brought into school for outdoor PE sessions if parents and carers wish for their children to wear them |