Statutory Information

Statutory Information

Holy Trinity CE School

Longlands Close
Crossbrook Street
Waltham Cross

Tel: 01992 622180


Head Teacher – Miss Sarah Chaloner
Deputy Head – Mrs Diane Eddington
Office Manager – Mrs Nicola Turner
Chair of Governors: Mr Matthew Chubb

Contactable via the school office and address.

All of the information on the school website is available to parents/carers free of charge. Please speak to the school office.


Latest OFSTED Report May 16th/17th 2023

HT OFSTED report 16 May 2023

To find our previous OFSTED Reports, follow the link:

To see our current data information see the following link:

Data Dashboard – this is data from previous years available via this link:

Vision and Values

Please see our Christian Values pages.  Click here

Collective Worship


9.15am – 9.30am.                          Whole school lead by Sarah Chaloner


9.15am – 9.30am.                        Whole School 


9.15am – 9.30am.                       Songs of Praise Collective Worship – Jenny Maskall 


9.15am – 9.30am.                        Class worship

Friday                                         Whole school

9.15am – 9.30am                          Children receive ‘Special Mentions’ certificates or awards. 

Church                                        On selected times during the term

All children in classes to walk to church with their teacher and teaching assistants.

Child Protection and Safeguarding

The Governors and Staff of Holy Trinity CE School have made safeguarding an essential priority and are committed to make sure that the safeguarding of their children remains central to their work. For this reason, the principles of excellent safeguarding practice are interwoven within the Christian culture of Holy Trinity and every aspect of the school’s work. This policy supports this commitment to safeguarding and should be read in conjunction with all school policies as appropriate.

HT CP Policy: HT CP Policy 2024 25

HT Safeguarding Policy

Guidance that is followed by all staff:Keeping_children_safe_in_education_2024

Operation Encompass

Operation Encompass is a unique police and education early intervention safeguarding partnerships enabling support for children and young people who have experienced domestic abuse. Holy Trinity is part of Operation Encompass which is a national scheme that operates jointly between schools and police forces. Operation Encompass is the reporting to schools, prior to the start of the next school day, when a child or young person has experienced domestic abuse. The police notify schools about any incident where a child has experienced domestic abuse. 

10 key principles of Operation Encompass

Letter to parents: Operation Encompass Parent carer letter 2024


Please see our governor pages click here.

Admissions Arrangements

Please see our pages for Admissions, click here

Admissions Policy – Holy-Trinity-Admissions-Policy-24 25

Results Information

Three-year trend information:

Assessment Data 3 year trend 2024

The government will not publish KS2 school level data for the 2021 to 2022 academic year. They have archived data from the 2018 to 2019 academic year because they recognise that the data from that year may no longer reflect current performance.

Prior result (pre-pandemic):

HT Results 2019

School Performance Tables

For information on the school’s performance and financial position, please follow the link below:

This will take you to the DFE website which has information about the school from the previous year (2014).

Childcare Provision at Holy Trinity

Please see the Enrichment pages for Breakfast Club and After School Club

The Curriculum

Holy Trinity Curriculum Vision Overview

Reception EYFS Overview

Curriculum Map Holy Trinity – Curriculum Map Holy Trinity

Our core subject of English is taught using the Jane Considine ‘The Write Stuff’ and we also use ‘Book Talk’. In addition we use the Herts for Learning planning to provide a wide range of texts and learning opportunities. Mathematics is using the White Rose scheme for planning. In both subjects planning guarantees full coverage of the National Curriculum. Computing and Science also follow the county-wide planning.

As a Church school, we follow a very prescriptive programme of study ensuring that our children understand and appreciate other faiths as well as Christianity. We call this area Religion and World Views (Religious Education). We use the Bedfordshire scheme of work and Understanding Christianity to provide a broad and range of faiths, based around our diverse community. Our emphasis on the well-being of our pupils cannot be understated and, as a result, PSHE is taught as a discrete subject through the Jigsaw scheme of work and all our children enjoy at least two hours of teacher taught sport and PE each week.

Foundation and Arts subjects are taught through discrete subjects making cross-curricular links where appropriate. Curriculum maps are established across the school to ensure complete coverage in line with the National Curriculum. All curriculum maps are developed to meet the end of phase requirement as dictated by the Department for Education.

We try to provide our pupils with a wide range of opportunities throughout the time they are at our school. We review our curriculum annually, looking at the needs of our pupils and the community. We review the different opportunities for learning across the school, and ensure we include activities which enhance the learning and development of pupils holistically. Examples of this include our opera project for children in Year 5, camping on the school field, the development of Forest Schools and providing swimming for Year 3 pupils onwards.

EYFS – Early Years Curriculum at Holy Trinity

The school follows the statutory guidance for the EYFS curriculum:

Four guiding principles shape practice in our Reception class.
These are:

  • every child is a unique child, who is constantly learning and can be resilient, capable, confident and self-assured
  • children learn to be strong and independent through positive relationships
  • children learn and develop well in enabling environments with teaching and support from adults, who respond to their individual interests and needs and help them to build their learning over time. Children benefit from a strong partnership between practitioners and parents and/or carers.
  • importance of learning and development. Children develop and learn at different rates. (See “the characteristics of effective teaching and learning” at paragraph 1.15). The framework covers the education and care of all children in early years’ provision, including children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND)

Overall there are 7 areas of learning that form the curriculum.

There are 3 prime areas which are particularly fundamental as a foundation to pupils’ learning in the EYFS. These are:

  • Communication and Language
  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development
  • Physical development

The remaining 4 areas are:

  • Maths
  • Literacy (reading and writing)
  • Understanding of the world
  • Expressive Arts and design

Also including:

  • Religion and world views

The three characteristics of effective teaching and learning identified in the EYFS are:

  • Playing and exploring – children investigate and experience things, and ‘have a go’.
  • Active learning – children concentrate and keep on trying if they encounter difficulties, and enjoy achievements.
  • Creating and thinking critically – children have and develop their own ideas, make links between ideas, and develop strategies for doing things.


  • During the first six weeks in Reception children are assessed against the Reception Baseline Assessment (RBA) information.
  • At the end of Reception the EYFS Profile is completed for each child. This is where children are assessed against the early learning goals, and takes into account the reflects the professional judgements of teachers, and practitioners, but also includes input from parents and carers.



Reading spine: HT Whole School Reading Spine


At Holy Trinity we teach the Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised phonics programme, which is validated by the Department for Education. The direct and systematic teaching of phonics is a key part in children’s ability to become confident readers.  

You can find out more about Little Wandle here:

Parent/carer link to Little Wandle:

Tips for reading at home:



Curriculum Overviews


HT Action plan Music

Remote Education

Since the pandemic, school has used Google Classroom for remote education. All children have a login for the platform. Teachers may use this for children in specific circumstances, and also for homework. Parents/carers who have not got the password information should contact the school office.

Info for parents/carers:

Pupil Premium

Link to our pages:

Sports Premium

Have a look at our designated page for further information about Sports Premium.

Sports Premium 2024-2025

SEN Information

The Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014 require all schools to publish an SEN Information Report.

We are grateful to the parents/carers who supported and contributed to the consultation process.

SEND policy 2024
SEND information report 2024-2025

SEN Q&A Book

Hertfordshire SEN information

Hertfordshire Local Offer link:

SEN support in Education

Equality Policy:HT 2023-2026 Equality Scheme

Accessibility Plan:

HT Accessibility Policy 2023 

HT Accessibility Plan 2024 2027

Charging and Remissions Policy

2023 HT Charging and Remissions Policy

Complaints Policy and Procedure

HT Complaints Policy and Procedure 2024

Please note: If parents and carers request paper copies of the information on our school’s website, we will provide this free of charge. Copies of all policies and information are available from the school office.



School Day

Breakfast Club is 7.45am until the start of the school day.

Children should not be unattended (unless in Breakfast Club) on the premises before 8.20am.

Start of the compulsory school day

The gates will be opened 10 minutes before the start of the day

8.30am – KS2.

8.40am – Reception (from full time),Year 1 and 2. Reception to use the back gate and door. Year 1 and 2 children to enter through the bottom gate.

End of the compulsory school day

KS2 – end of day is 3pm

Reception, Year 1 and 2 – 3.10pm

The children are expected to be in compulsory schooling for 32.5 hours per week. 

Parents and carers are responsible to ensure that their children are in school on time each day. We do not penalise children for poor attendance, we work with parents and carers to ensure that they understand and fulfil their responsibilities. If children are not in the school, they cannot take the opportunities Holy Trinity offers.


Pupil Uniform

All items of clothing including shoes must be labelled with the child’s name.  Children must not wear jewellery or make-up including nail varnish.  Children with pierced ears may wear the smallest studs.  Hair bands should be in school colours and not be too big or bulky. If your child has pierced ears, they must be able to remove and replace the studs herself/himself for PE.

Items noted with logos and the tie are required. These can be purchased from Hawkins School Shop, Cheshunt. Other items can be purchased from other retailers. Please contact the school if you need support with uniform as we have a number of second hand items and can help.




Grey tunic/dress/skirt   Blue and white gingham or striped dress/jumpsuit
Grey long or short trousers Pale blue polo shirt with the school logo
Black joggers for Rec  
Blue shirt with school tie (juniors)  
Pale blue polo shirt with the school logo (infants)  
Royal blue pullover/sweatshirt or cardigan with the school logo  
Blue, grey or black socks/tights  
Traditional black sensible shoes (not boots)  
Black indoor shoes (plimsolls)  

Games kit

Yellow polo shirt with school logo

Royal Blue shorts (not cycling shorts)

Navy or black jogging bottoms

Summer uniform may be worn from Easter until the autumn half-term – dependent upon the weather.

Items with logos are available from Taylor Hawkins, 29, College Road, Cheshunt, Waltham Cross, EN8 9LS

Uniform exchange – from donated second-hand items – is operational through the school.  Please approach the office for further details.

Financial Support

Financial support for families.

There are several ways in which our families may be able to access financial help to support their children’s education, and families. This includes access to Free School Meals, uniform, school trips or equipment, and household support. 

These documents may also be useful:

CA Broxbourne Cost Saving Tips v3

Cost of Living Support Links – BX

As part of our commitment to environmental sustainability, good quality pre-worn uniform may be available from the school. All non-branded uniform can be purchased in any major supermarket chain – there is no expectation for branded uniform to be worn. 

Household/Food Support

At times the school and Christchurch are able to access funding for our families through different charities. We are able to support families with energy bills on an infrequent basis.

We can also offer access to the local Foodbank. We remind parents and carers of this half-termly. Christchurch runs a Porch Pantry which provides our community with food and toiletry items.

Residential and Day Trips
Our expectation is that all our children will have the opportunity to attend our day visits and residential trips, regardless of financial challenges. If you are experiencing financial difficulties, please contact the school and arrange an appointment with Sarah Chaloner as the school may be able to help you. You may be entitled to apply for a grant to cover part of the cost of a residential trip from the Dewhurst Trust. 

Additional Funding

Hertfordshire Children’s Fund

In addition, parents requiring financial assistance towards the costs may be able to apply for support from the Hertfordshire Community Fund, which is a small registered charity supporting people who live in Hertfordshire. The foundation provides grants to support children with their education, including school visits. Funds are available for young people with disabilities or who are disadvantaged.


Tel: 01707 251351 
Website: Hertfordshire Children’s Fund (

Happy Days Children’s Charity

Happy Days Children’s Charity UK – Apply for Funding (

You can apply for a family day trip if you have a child or children with special educational needs, who have been victims of abuse or who have a life-limiting condition, and are aged 3-17. 

If you have any questions or need help completing the form call 01462 530710 or email Ann DaRocha at



Freedom of Information

Our Freedom of Information Policy is available here: HT FOI Policy 2024