Year 5

Year 5


Welcome to Year 5 D’Acampo Class.

Year 5 provides all the ingredients for a broad and balanced diet of skills and knowledge across the curriculum! As the children enter upper key stage two they start the transition into becoming independent learners. The children are expected to increase their pace and stamina for learning. They are required to use their prior skills and knowledge to secure and extend their inquisitive minds. Firm boundaries and expectations are in place from the beginning of the year and continue to remain in place until they start their journey into key stage 3.

All children are encouraged to ‘Let their Light Shine’ throughout the year. This can be evident in various ways e.g. core and foundation subjects, swimming, logical thinking, sports, reasoning, debating, turn taking and social situations. As a reward for all their hard work and dedication to learning, we look forward to spending a night under the stars at the end of the year. The children experience a campfire, barbeque, roasting marshmallows, reading by torchlight and spending the night in a sleeping bag in the great outdoors.