This area of the curriculum is focused mainly on History and Geography.
Overviews of the curriculum:
Our pupils are curious about the past and keen to understand how and why events occurred; they go on to question why people interpret the past in different ways. As a school, we believe that high-quality history lessons encourage skills of critical thinking, weighing evidence, sifting arguments, and allow pupils to develop perspective and judgement. Pupils experience a rich and relevant curriculum, not just gaining knowledge of Britain’s past, and our place in the world, but helping them to understand the challenges of our own time, through studying the past, gaining skills for the future.
Opportunities for learning are often themed across each class with pupils having an input into which aspects they would like to know more about.
There are also special themed events we plan across the year.
Geography lessons are planned to inspire in pupils a curiosity and fascination about the world and its people that we hope will remain with each child for the rest of their lives.
Our pupils learn about diverse places, people, resources and environments, with a deepening understanding of the Earth’s key physical and human processes and of the formation of landscapes and environments over time.
Wherever possible, links are made between geography and history topics. Projects may have overarching themes to contextualize and motivate learners; the learning objectives of each lesson draw from geographic and historic knowledge and skills included in the National Curriculum.