Sports Premium
Sports Premium 2023-2024 updated
The government provides additional funding of £150 million per year in order to improve the provision of physical education (P.E.) and sport in primary schools. This funding – provided jointly by the Departments for Education, Health and Culture, Median and Sport – is allocated to primary schools. This money is ring-fenced and therefore can only be spent on provision of P.E. and sport in schools.
At Holy Trinity Primary School we will spend the additional funding on improving the provision and standard of P.E. and sport. As a school we take pride in being able to provide a wide range of opportunities in P.E. and Sport across the key stages. Pupils have participated competitively in Football, Tag rugby, Netball, Athletics, Swimming and much more. We have a range of after-school sports activities available to all pupils with thanks to outside coaches and the time given by school staff.